New Horizons 06:
The Tree Remembers

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  I'm excited to have started working on the sixth book in this series, the conclusion to the second trilogy.  I have an outline for where I'd like to go with it, and I'm excited to get it all down, but as it always goes, the story and characters has a way of surprising me as they develop a life of their own as I write them.  It's the whole 'the statue was already under the marble, I just had to remove the unnecessary bits' part of creation.

  It's going to be a smaller, more personal story, joining the characters as they grapple with the fallout of everything that happened in the last book, not just the new political reality the colonies find themselves in, but more importantly the personal consequences the characters face, and the strains it places on their relationships.  It's a story about grief, about loss, and about the way broken things can never again be what they were— they can only become something new.

  Please note this is currently a first run rough draft.

Start at the beginning or pick up where you left off:

Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5