Hello World!

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If you are a potential employer or anyone else checking out my personal site (or anyone else interested), my online home for the developer side of my life resides at wrosswhite.ca and I encourage you to check it out!

I am a graduate of the Computer Systems Technology (CST) program Technical Programming option at the British Columbia Institute of technology (BCIT) in Burnaby, BC.

I'm so excited about what I’ve learned to do and I’m eager to get to it. There are so many things which I take for granted now which were so mysterious when I first got started. I’m excited about all there still is to learn, there are so many cool technologies out there!

I wasn't sure when I applied to the CST program. I knew I was into computers, I’d built my own PC and such, and I’d long been quite curious about what went on under the hood. I had a compatible curiosity, but couldn't know ahead of time if I'd enjoy the work. Turns out I do!

It was intimidating and frustrating being a total novice up against people who already knew so much in my first term, but by the end of the third term I genuinely felt like I was solidly catching up with my peers, not to mention all of those who didn't make it along the way. I am now quite proud to have made it all the way through, full course loads all along (no taking courses in the summer to lighten the load for me), no fails and when it was all said and done a solid 79 average. All told I’m pretty proud of my accomplishment. It took 12 hour days 6 days a week, a lot of hard work, a lot of luck, and a lot of help from friends along the way. Now I'm looking forward to my next challenges.

I currently work at AlayaCare as a full stack developer.  I have been with them almost two years now, and have been promoted from associate developer to regular (intermediate) developer.  It's a great company to work for, and they make it easy to want to stay.  I lost hope a few months into the 2020 lockdowns and stopped looking for work, but then a couple of months later they contacted me and asked if I was still looking for work.  I work out of their Victoria office on the currently in development residential care home management software finance section, and their flexible work policy means that I'll never have to quit due to being recalled to the office.  I work with C#/.NET, typescript, SQL, and AngularJS (I know, but we're moving to Vue).  I have worked on their migration to microservices efforts, and am currently leading the development of a new feature through our billing microservice.

While I'm not actively looking for work, and AlayaCare is a great company to work for, everybody has their price...  If you are a prospective employer checking me out, greetings! Feel free to look around.  Although you've probably seen them already, you can find my cover letter and resume below.